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Who is Microsoft Corporation?

Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft, founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, is a veteran software company, best known for its Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software. Starting in 1980 Microsoft formed a partnership with IBM allowing Microsoft to sell its software package with the computers IBM manufactured. Microsoft is widely used by professionals worldwide and largely dominates the corporate market. Additionally, the company has ventured into hardware with consumer products such as the Zune and Xbox. Microsoft has made a presence on the Web with the MSN internet portal and Bing Search Engine.
Microsoft Corporation URL: www.microsoft.com
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Microsoft Corporation files

  1. dbgsvc.exe (Debug Diagnostic Tool by Microsoft)
  2. ehexthost.exe (Media Center Extensibility Host by Microsoft)
  3. onenoteim.exe (Microsoft OneNote by Microsoft)
  4. powershell.exe (Windows PowerShell by Microsoft)
  5. ipoverusbsvc.exe (Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  6. iedvtool.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  7. korime.exe (Microsoft IME by Microsoft)
  8. chtime.exe (Microsoft IME by Microsoft)
  9. emet_gui.exe (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit by Microsoft)
  10. emet_agent.exe (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit by Microsoft)
  11. filemanager.exe (OneDrive by Microsoft)
  12. mstore.exe (Microsoft Clip Organizer by Microsoft)
  13. chsime.exe (Microsoft IME by Microsoft)
  14. scardsvr.dll (Smart Card Resource Management Server by Microsoft)
  15. gpsvc.dll (Group Policy Client by Microsoft)
  16. certprop.dll (Microsoft Smartcard Certificate Propagation Service by Microsoft)
  17. integratedoffice.exe (Microsoft Office by Microsoft)
  18. actioncenter.dll (Action Center by Microsoft)
  19. f12tools.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  20. mdres.exe (Windows Memory Diagnostic by Microsoft)
  21. numbers.exe (Numbers by Microsoft)
  22. mrt.exe (Outil de suppression de logiciels malveillants Microsoft Windows by Microsoft)
  23. skydrive.exe (OneDrive Sync Engine by Microsoft)
  24. skydrive.exe (OneDrive Sync Engine Host by Microsoft)
  25. startup.exe (Halo 2 for Windows Vista by Microsoft)
  26. powerpnt.exe (Microsoft Office 2013 by Microsoft)
  27. officec2rclient.exe (Microsoft Office by Microsoft)
  28. officeclicktorun.exe (Microsoft Office by Microsoft)
  29. aepdu.dll (Atualizador de Dados de Compatibilidade entre Programas by Microsoft)
  30. winlogon.exe (Aplicativo de Logon do Windows by Microsoft)
  31. rpcepmap.dll (RPC Endpoint Mapper by Microsoft)
  32. wdi.dll (Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure by Microsoft)
  33. dotnetfx35setup.exe (Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 by Microsoft)
  34. skydriveshell64.dll (Microsoft OneDrive by Microsoft)
  35. ie4uinit.exe (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  36. skydrive.exe (Microsoft OneDrive by Microsoft)
  37. crypt32.dll (Krypto-API32 by Microsoft)
  38. skypebrowseroptions.dll (Skype Click to Call by Skype Technologies SA)
  39. skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Click to Call by Skype Technologies SA)
  40. skypec2cautoupdatesvc.exe (Skype Click to Call by Microsoft)
  41. skypec2cpnrsvc.exe (Skype Click to Call by Microsoft)
  42. wsclient.dll (Windows Store-Lizenzierungsclient by Microsoft)
  43. searchfolder.dll (SearchFolder by Microsoft)
  44. occache.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  45. freecell.exe (Executable for FreeCell Game by Microsoft)
  46. asctrls.ocx (Formanty Aktywnego Instalatora by Microsoft)
  47. camocx.dll (Biblioteka DLL WIA Camera View by Microsoft)
  48. wmpshell.dll (Uruchamianie Windows Media Player by Microsoft)
  49. photowiz.dll (Kreator drukowania fotografii by Microsoft)
  50. zipfldr.dll (Foldery skompresowane (zip) by Microsoft)
  51. remotepg.dll (Rozszerzenie CPL sesji zdalnych by Microsoft)
  52. fontext.dll (Folder czcionek Windows by Microsoft)
  53. printui.dll (Biblioteka DLL interfejsu drukowania by Microsoft)
  54. themeui.dll (Interfejs API kompozycji systemu Windows by Microsoft)
  55. cscdll.dll (Agent sieci w trybie offline by Microsoft)
  56. wordpad.exe (Aplikacja WordPad MFC by Microsoft)
  57. regedit.exe (Edytor rejestru by Microsoft)
  58. mplay32.exe (Odtwarzacz multimedialny by Microsoft)
  59. notepad.exe (Notatnik by Microsoft)
  60. netdde.exe (DDE sieci - komunikacja DDE by Microsoft)
  61. winlogon.exe (Aplikacja logowania systemu Windows NT by Microsoft)
  62. explorer.exe (Eksplorator Windows by Microsoft)
  63. dataform.ocx (VB 6 Data Form Wizard by Microsoft)
  64. freehand.dll (Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  65. wzcnf.dll (Conflict Viewer by Microsoft)
  66. werfault.exe (Informe de problemas de Windows by Microsoft)
  67. vcmd.exe (Microsoft Speech by Microsoft)
  68. mssnapr.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System by Microsoft)
  69. powerpnt.exe (Microsoft Office 2003 by Microsoft)
  70. dpnsvr.exe (Servidor de DirectPlay8 de Microsoft by Microsoft)
  71. wldlog.dll (Windows Live Desktop Logging by Microsoft)
  72. themecpl.dll (Personalisation CPL by Microsoft)
  73. winlogon.exe (Windows Log-on Application by Microsoft)
  74. ikeext.dll (Estensione IKE by Microsoft)
  75. wlsetup-webmsn.exe (Windows Live by Microsoft)
  76. sethc.exe (Accessibility shortcut keys by Microsoft)
  77. provsvc.dll (Grupo Hogar de Windows by Microsoft)
  78. wscsvc.dll (Servicio de Centro de seguridad de Windows by Microsoft)
  79. dhcpcore.dll (Servicio cliente DHCP by Microsoft)
  80. lmhsvc.dll (DLL de servicios de transporte de NetBIOS sobre TCPIP by Microsoft)
  81. upnphost.dll (Dispositivo host de UPnP by Microsoft)
  82. ssdpsrv.dll (DLL de servicio SSDP by Microsoft)
  83. wiaservc.dll (Servicio de dispositivos de imagen fija by Microsoft)
  84. umpnpmgr.dll (Modo usuario Servicio Plug-and-Play by Microsoft)
  85. wlsettings.exe (Windows Live by Microsoft)
  86. cryptsvc.dll (Servicios de cifrado by Microsoft)
  87. netprofm.dll (Administrador de listas de redes by Microsoft)
  88. nsisvc.dll (Servidor RPC de Interfaz de almacenamiento en red by Microsoft)
  89. listsvc.dll (Grupo Hogar de Windows by Microsoft)
  90. pcasvc.dll (Servicio de compatibilidad de programas by Microsoft)
  91. netman.dll (Administrador de conexiones de red by Microsoft)
  92. hidserv.dll (Servicio HID by Microsoft)
  93. cscsvc.dll (DLL de servicio CSC by Microsoft)
  94. audiosrv.dll (Servicio de Audio de Windows by Microsoft)
  95. ipsecsvc.dll (DLL de servidor SPD IPSec de Windows by Microsoft)
  96. mmcss.dll (Servicio Programador de aplicaciones multimedia by Microsoft)
  97. qmgr.dll (Servicio de transferencia inteligente en segundo plano (BITS) by Microsoft)
  98. browser.dll (Archivo DLL de servicio de explorador del equipo by Microsoft)
  99. srvsvc.dll (Archivo DLL del servicio Servidor by Microsoft)
  100. iphlpsvc.dll (Servicio que ofrece conectividad IPv6 en una red IPv4. by Microsoft)
  101. shsvcs.dll (Archivo DLL de servicios shell de Windows by Microsoft)
  102. eapsvc.dll (Servicio EAPHost de Microsoft by Microsoft)
  103. p2psvc.dll (Servicios punto a punto by Microsoft)
  104. pnrpsvc.dll (DLL de servicio PNRP by Microsoft)
  105. oleprn.dll (DLL Oleprn by Microsoft)
  106. hhctrl.ocx (Ayuda de HTML by Microsoft)
  107. mf.dll (DLL de Media Foundation by Microsoft)
  108. wmplayer.exe (Reproductor de Windows Media by Microsoft)
  109. sysmain.dll (Host del servicio Superfetch by Microsoft)
  110. ntshrui.dll (Extensiones de shell para uso compartido by Microsoft)
  111. photoviewer.dll (Visualizador de fotos de Windows by Microsoft)
  112. hh.exe (Ayuda de HTML by Microsoft)
  113. cryptext.dll (Extensiones Crypto Shell by Microsoft)
  114. bfe.dll (Motor de filtrado de base by Microsoft)
  115. schtasks.exe (Administra tareas programadas by Microsoft)
  116. sc.exe (Una herramienta para ayudar a desarrollar servicios para WindowsNT by Microsoft)
  117. raserver.exe (Servidor COM de asistencia remota de Windows by Microsoft)
  118. lpremove.exe (Limpieza de paquetes de idioma MUI by Microsoft)
  119. bthudtask.exe (Tarea Desinstalar dispositivo de Bluetooth by Microsoft)
  120. aepdu.dll (Actualizador de datos de compatibilidad de programas by Microsoft)
  121. pcalua.exe (Asistente para la compatibilidad de programas by Microsoft)
  122. rundll32.exe (Proceso host de Windows (Rundll32) by Microsoft)
  123. wmiapsrv.exe (Adaptador de rendimiento inverso de WMI by Microsoft)
  124. vds.exe (Servicio de disco virtual by Microsoft)
  125. snmptrap.exe (Captura SNMP by Microsoft)
  126. locator.exe (Ubicador RPC by Microsoft)
  127. msdtc.exe (Servicio Microsoft DTC (Coordinador de transacciones distribuidas) by Microsoft)
  128. ehsched.exe (Servicio Programador de Windows Media Center by Microsoft)
  129. ehrecvr.exe (Servicio Receptor de Windows Media Center by Microsoft)
  130. wudfhost.exe (Windows Driver Foundation - proceso host del marco de controlador de modo usuario by Microsoft)
  131. taskhost.exe (Proceso de host para tareas de Windows by Microsoft)
  132. dwm.exe (Administrador de ventanas del escritorio by Microsoft)
  133. wmpnetwk.exe (Servicio de uso compartido de red del Reproductor de Windows Media by Microsoft)
  134. svchost.exe (Proceso host para los servicios de Windows by Microsoft)
  135. fhcfg.dll (File History Configuration Manager by Microsoft)
  136. camera.exe (Camera by Microsoft)
  137. shutdown.exe (Windows Remote Shutdown Tool by Microsoft)
  138. photosapp.exe (Photos by Microsoft)
  139. wwahost.exe (Host aplikacji sieci Web systemu Windows firmy Microsoft by Microsoft)
  140. netman.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  141. wzcsvc.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  142. mswsock.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  143. dhcpcsvc.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  144. audiodev.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  145. dfsshlex.dll (MicrosoftR WindowsR Operating System by Microsoft)
  146. remotepg.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows (R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  147. netshell.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  148. slayerxp.dll (Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  149. icmui.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows (R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  150. ss3dfo.scr (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  151. mmc.exe (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  152. mplay32.exe (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  153. winhlp32.exe (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  154. upnpui.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  155. vssvc.exe (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  156. sessmgr.exe (Microsoft(R) Windows (R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  157. msvcrtd.dll (Microsoft (R) Visual C++ by Microsoft)
  158. msvcp60d.dll (Microsoft (R) Visual C++ by Microsoft)
  159. rasautou.exe (Remote Access Dialer by Microsoft)
  160. wmpshell.dll (Lanceur du Lecteur Windows Media by Microsoft)
  161. msxml_cabinstall.exe (Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor by Microsoft)
  162. mighost.exe (Migration Plugins host program by Microsoft)
  163. wimserv.exe (Wimfltr v2 extractor by Microsoft)
  164. setuphost.exe (Modern Setup Host by Microsoft)
  165. windowsstoresetupbox.exe (Windows 8.1 Setup by Microsoft)
  166. ielowutil.exe (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  167. ndp40-kb2533523-x86.exe (Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 by Microsoft)
  168. chkdsk.exe (Check Disk Utility by Microsoft)
  169. mspub.exe (Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft)
  170. cmct3de.dll (Satellit der Microsoft Standardsteuerelemente 3 by Microsoft )
  171. gdiplus.dll (Microsoft GDI+ by Microsoft)
  172. credentialuibroker.exe (Credential Manager UI Host by Microsoft)
  173. printconfig.dll (PrintConfig User Interface by Microsoft)
  174. ogaverify.exe (Office Genuine Advantage by Microsoft)
  175. mstordb.exe (Microsoft Clip Organizer by Microsoft)
  176. pnidui.dll (Network System Icon by Microsoft)
  177. vcredist_x86.exe (Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable by Microsoft)
  178. shsvcs.dll (Biblioteca DLL de Servicios Shell de Windows by Microsoft)
  179. upnpui.dll (Carpeta y monitor de la bandeja UPNP by Microsoft)
  180. mspub.exe (2007 Microsoft Office system by Microsoft)
  181. wshost.exe (Store Broker by Microsoft)
  182. nplwaplugin15.8.dll (Microsoft Lync Web App Plug-in by Microsoft)
  183. ehssetup.dll (Microsoft® Windows® Operating System by Microsoft)
  184. wmssetup.dll (Microsoft® Windows® Operating System by Microsoft)
  185. workfoldersshell.dll (Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension by Microsoft)
  186. autoworkplace.exe (Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  187. skydrive.exe (SkyDrive Sync Engine Host by Microsoft)
  188. tabtip32.exe (Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Helper by Microsoft)
  189. wpcsvc.dll (WPC Filtering Service by Microsoft)
  190. themeui.dll (Windows-Design-API by Microsoft)
  191. sstext3d.scr (Direct3D-Textbildschirmschoner by Microsoft)
  192. photoviewershim.dll (Windows Live Photo Gallery by Microsoft)
  193. msxml4a.dll (Microsoft(R) MSXML 4.0 SP1 by Microsoft)
  194. msxml4r.dll (Microsoft(R) MSXML 4.0 SP1 by Microsoft)
  195. msxml4.dll (Microsoft(R) MSXML 4.0 SP 2 by Microsoft)
  196. freecell.exe (Entertainment Pack FreeCell Game by Microsoft)
  197. wiaacmgr.exe (Windows Picture Acquisition Wizard by Microsoft)
  198. prodaiintl1033.dll (ProdAddInIntl by Microsoft)
  199. msvcp60.dll (Microsoft (R) Visual C++ by Microsoft)
  200. rstrui.exe (System Restore Application by Microsoft)
  201. dismhost.exe (Dism Host Servicing Process by Microsoft)
  202. bcmsqlstartupsvc.exe (Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 by Microsoft)
  203. msonsext.dll (Microsoft Office by Microsoft)
  204. encwcbar.dll (Microsoft Encarta by Microsoft)
  205. appreadiness.dll (AppReadiness by Microsoft)
  206. ole32.dll (Microsoft OLE for Windows by Microsoft)
  207. microsoft.biztalk.brmacontrols.dll (Microsoft (R) BizTalk (R) Server 2010 by Microsoft)
  208. webfarmservice.exe (Microsoft IIS Extensions by Microsoft)
  209. ruleengineupdateservice.exe (Microsoft (R) BizTalk (R) Server 2010 by Microsoft)
  210. btsntsvc.exe (Microsoft (R) BizTalk (R) Server 2010 by Microsoft)
  211. themeui.dll (API de tema do Windows by Microsoft)
  212. browseui.dll (Biblioteca da interface de utilizador do browser da shell by Microsoft)
  213. shdocvw.dll (Objecto Doc da shell e biblioteca de controlos by Microsoft)
  214. qmgr.dll (Servicio de transferencia inteligente en segundo plano by Microsoft)
  215. ssmyst.scr (Protector de pantalla Formas y figuras by Microsoft)
  216. msctf.dll (MSCTF Server DLL by Microsoft)
  217. ntvdm.exe (NTVDM.EXE by Microsoft)
  218. wcmsvc.dll (DLL del servicio Administrador de conexiones de Windows by Microsoft)
  219. shdocvw.dll (Biblioteca de objetos y controles de documentos del shell by Microsoft)
  220. conhost.exe (Host de ventana de consola by Microsoft)
  221. fsshext.8.5.1288.0816.dll (Messenger by Microsoft)
  222. msgrapp.8.5.1288.0816.dll (Messenger by Microsoft)
  223. nwprovau.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System by Microsoft)
  224. bicycleboard.exe (Bicycle Board Games by Microsoft)
  225. mdres.exe (Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool by Microsoft)
  226. zipfldr.dll (Carpetas comprimidas (en zip) by Microsoft)
  227. mstask.dll (DLL de la interfaz de Programador de tareas by Microsoft)
  228. wiashext.dll (UI de carpeta de shell de dispositivos de Imaging by Microsoft)
  229. fontext.dll (Carpeta de fuentes de Windows by Microsoft)
  230. deskadp.dll (Propiedades avanzadas del adaptador de pantalla by Microsoft)
  231. themeui.dll (Temas de Windows API by Microsoft)
  232. icmui.dll (DLL de la interfaz del usuario del sistema de ajuste de colores de Microsoft by Microsoft)
  233. ntshrui.dll (Extensiones de interfaz para uso compartido by Microsoft)
  234. mydocs.dll (Carpeta Mis Documentos UI by Microsoft)
  235. wabfind.dll (Buscar personas by Microsoft)
  236. regedit.exe (Editor del Registro by Microsoft)
  237. ntbackup.exe (Utilidad de copia de seguridad de Windows by Microsoft)
  238. notepad.exe (Bloc de notas by Microsoft)
  239. browseui.dll (Biblioteca de IU Shell Browser by Microsoft)
  240. shdocvw.dll (Biblioteca del control y el objeto documento de Shell by Microsoft)
  241. ssbezier.scr (Protector de pantalla Curvas y colores by Microsoft)
  242. explorer.exe (Explorador de Windows by Microsoft)
  243. msgrapp.14.0.8064.0206.dll (Windows Live Messenger Protocol Handler Module by Microsoft)
  244. dplaysvr.exe (Microsoft DirectPlay Helper by Microsoft)
  245. ndp40-kb2835393-x64.exe (Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 by Microsoft)
  246. advapi32.dll (Erweitertes Windows 32 Base-API by Microsoft)
  247. eapsvc.dll (Microsoft EAPHost-Dienst by Microsoft)
  248. wmpshell.dll (Windows Media Player-Launcher by Microsoft)
  249. wmpnetwk.exe (Windows Media Player-Netzwerkfreigabedienst by Microsoft)
  250. phtpkcnv.dll (Photo Pick and Convert Module by Microsoft)
  251. mailmapi.dll (Microsoft(R) MSN (R) Communications System by Microsoft)
  252. amovie.ocx (DirectShow by Microsoft)
  253. ois.exe (Microsoft Office Picture Manager by Microsoft)
  254. powerpnt.exe (2007 Microsoft Office system by Microsoft)
  255. wuaueng.dll (Agente de Windows Update by Microsoft)
  256. sidebar.exe (Gadgets de escritorio de Windows by Microsoft)
  257. oobefldr.dll (Getting Started by Microsoft)
  258. mypixdx.scr (My Pictures Premium Screen Saver by Microsoft)
  259. lifechat.exe (Microsoft LifeChat by Microsoft)
  260. tinker.exe (Tinker by Microsoft)
  261. rmsystry.exe (Media Center Resource Manager System Tray by Microsoft)
  262. notificationui.exe (Notification UI Implementation by Microsoft)
  263. iphlpapi.dll (IP Helper API by Microsoft)
  264. wsdapi.dll (Web Services for Devices API DLL by Microsoft)
  265. dxgi.dll (DirectX Graphics Infrastructure by Microsoft)
  266. dwrite.dll (Microsoft DirectX Typography Services by Microsoft)
  267. ncbservice.dll (Network Connection Broker by Microsoft)
  268. hidserv.dll (Human Interface Device Service by Microsoft)
  269. bthhfsrv.dll (Bluetooth Handsfree Service by Microsoft)
  270. licmgr10.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  271. dxtrans.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  272. tdc.ocx (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  273. vgx.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  274. webcheck.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  275. rdbui.dll (ReadyBoost UI by Microsoft)
  276. urlmon.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  277. mshtml.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  278. mscoree.dll (Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine by Microsoft)
  279. url.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  280. mshta.exe (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  281. ieframe.dll (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  282. appxdeploymentclient.dll (AppX Deployment Client DLL by Microsoft)
  283. tzsync.exe (TimeZone Sync Task by Microsoft)
  284. msfeedssync.exe (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  285. nissrv.exe (Microsoft Network Realtime Inspection Service by Microsoft)
  286. ieetwcollector.exe (Internet Explorer by Microsoft)
  287. chtime.exe (Microsoft CHT IME by Microsoft)
  288. livecomm.exe (Communications Service by Microsoft)
  289. atievxx.exe (ATI Hotkey polling utility by Microsoft)
  290. visprji.dll (Visio WBS Chart Wizard COM Add-in for Microsoft(R) Office Project for Windows(TM) by Microsoft)
  291. adjdate.dll (Adjust Dates COM Add-in for Microsoft(R) Office Project for Windows(TM) by Microsoft)
  292. eurocuri.dll (Euro Currency Converter COM Add-in Resource Library by Microsoft)
  293. adjdatei.dll (Adjust Dates COM Add-in Resource Library by Microsoft)
  294. pertanli.dll (PERT Analysis Utility COM Add-in Resource Library by Microsoft)
  295. xmlrep.dll (XML Reporting Wizard COM Add-in for Microsoft(R) Project for Windows(TM) by Microsoft)
  296. anlyzts.dll (Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel COM Add-in for Microsoft(R) Office Project for Windows(TM) by Microsoft)
  297. cpicoff.dll (Copy Picture To Office COM Add-in for Microsoft(R) Office Office Project for Windows(TM) by Microsoft)
  298. anlyztsi.dll (Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel COM Add-in Resource Library by Microsoft)
  299. visprj.dll (Visio WBS Chart Wizard COM Add-in for Microsoft(R) Office Project for Windows(TM) by Microsoft)
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At Microsoft, we're motivated and inspired every day by how our customers use our software to find creative solutions to business problems, develop breakthrough ideas, and stay connected to what's most important to them.

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