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Health Insights files

  1. proceduresocx.ocx (ProceduresOCX by Health Insights)
  2. operationsocx.ocx (OperationsOCX by Health Insights)
  3. cldbase.dll (cldbase by Health Insights)
  4. processorwrapper.dll (PorcessorWrapper by Health Insights)
  5. specialutilities.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Special Utilities] by Health Insights)
  6. fluidbalance.ocx (FluidBalance by Health Insights)
  7. pat_pos.dll (pat_pos by Health Insights)
  8. updatebatchcost.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Update Cost] by Health Insights)
  9. creat_invc.dll (Creat_Invc by Health Insights)
  10. nuttransaction.dll (NutTransaction by Health Insights)
  11. pyxisinterface.dll (VB_Client_S3 by Health Insights)
  12. nopt.dll (Nopt by Health Insights)
  13. deletevisit.dll (DeleteVisit by Health Insights)
  14. mreports.dll (MReports by Health Insights)
  15. serviceconsumables.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Service Consumables] by Health Insights)
  16. drug_sht.dll (HIS - Medica Plus [Drug Sheet] by Health Insights)
  17. dental.dll (Dental by Health Insights)
  18. newacuitydef.dll (Medica Plus by Health Insights)
  19. monitorold.dll (Monitoring by Health Insights)
  20. druginfo.dll (DrugInfo by Health Insights)
  21. nutkitchen.dll (NutKitchen by Health Insights)
  22. bloodorder.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Blood Order] by Health Insights)
  23. miresults.dll (MIResults by Health Insights)
  24. addserviescomp.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Add Services] by Health Insights)
  25. alertresultsetter.dll (AlertResultSetter by Health Insights)
  26. encript.dll (Encript by Health Insights)
  27. consumedrate.dll (ConsumedRate by Health Insights)
  28. trackspc.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Lab-Track Specimen] by Health Insights)
  29. dialer.dll (DIALER by Health Insights)
  30. ticklerclient.ocx (TicklerClient by Health Insights)
  31. datefunctionsex.dll (DateFunctionsEx by Health Insights)
  32. changelabradepisode.dll (ChangeLabRadEpisode by Health Insights)
  33. investigationorders.dll (InvOrders by Health Insights)
  34. setformfont.dll (SetFormFont by Health Insights)
  35. radworklist.dll (WorkList by Health Insights)
  36. migrateoldpatientdata.dll (MigrateOldPatientData by Health Insights)
  37. followupsetting.dll (followupsetting by Health Insights)
  38. radreg.dll (ReceivedSP by Health Insights)
  39. hl7parser.dll (HL7Parser by Health Insights)
  40. radschedule.dll (RadSchedule by Health Insights)
  41. addsheet.dll (AddSheet by Health Insights)
  42. orderstooltip.dll (OrdersToolTip by Health Insights)
  43. alico.dll (AlicoComp by Health Insights)
  44. operrep.dll (RepPro by Health Insights)
  45. users.dll (users by Health Insights)
  46. getbedprice.dll (GetBedPrice by Health Insights)
  47. psengin.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Patient Search Engine] by Health Insights)
  48. newmonitor.dll (Monitoring by Health Insights)
  49. viresults.dll (MIResults by Health Insights)
  50. consorder.dll (ConsOrder by Health Insights)
  51. ndict.dll (NDict by Health Insights)
  52. radorderentry.dll (RadOrderEntry by Health Insights)
  53. ticklerclient.dll (TicklerClient by Health Insights)
  54. adddiag.dll (AddDiag by Health Insights)
  55. shellexecution.dll (ShellExecution by Health Insights)
  56. porders.dll (POrders by Health Insights)
  57. serviceinfo.dll (ServiceInfo by Health Insights)
  58. inpdisorder.dll (INPDISOrder by Health Insights)
  59. chemotherapyprotocols.dll (ChemoTherapyProtocols by Health Insights)
  60. recalcbilling.dll (ReCalcbilling by Health Insights)
  61. usersdef.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [User Definition] by Health Insights)
  62. nutdietorder.dll (Diet Order by Health Insights)
  63. worklist.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Lab-WorkList] by Health Insights)
  64. opdentry.dll (OPDEntry by Health Insights)
  65. emp_retired.dll (Emp_Retired by Health Insights)
  66. dischargeplan.dll (DischargePlan by Health Insights)
  67. receivedsp.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Lab -Received Specimen] by Health Insights)
  68. pvhistory.dll (SecCom by Health Insights)
  69. monitor.dll (Monitoring by Health Insights)
  70. investg.dll (investg by Health Insights)
  71. addprcorders.dll (CPOrders by Health Insights)
  72. ritchprint.dll (RitchPrint by Health Insights)
  73. ritchtemplate.dll (RitchTemplate by Health Insights)
  74. user_sheets.dll (user_sheets by Health Insights)
  75. bedexchange.dll (BedExchange by Health Insights)
  76. odbconnection.dll (ODbConnection by Health Insights)
  77. mangedbase.dll (MangeDb by Health Insights)
  78. odrug_sht.dll (Medica Plus by Health Insights)
  79. admissioninvs.dll (AdmissionInvs by Health Insights)
  80. problemstatus.dll (ProblemStatus by Health Insights)
  81. patregmonitor.dll (PatRegMonitor by Health Insights)
  82. radhl7client.dll (RadHL7Client by Health Insights)
  83. persontarin.dll (PersonTarin by Health Insights)
  84. newmedicalrecord.ocx (NewMedicalRecord by Health Insights)
  85. acuitydef.dll (Medica Plus by Health Insights)
  86. orsched.dll (ORSChed by Health Insights)
  87. get_service_name.dll (Get_Service_Name by Health Insights)
  88. auto_mastr_fil.dll (Auto_Cost_Fil by Health Insights)
  89. comptree_pos.dll (CompTree_Pos by Health Insights)
  90. payable.dll (Payable by Health Insights)
  91. auto_gel_trans.dll (Auto_Gel_Trans by Health Insights)
  92. patreports.dll (HIS - MedicaPLus [Patient Reports] by Health Insights)
  93. soundexlib.dll (SoundeXLib by Health Insights)
  94. orderedsp.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Lab-Order Specimen] by Health Insights)
  95. insurerespats.dll (InsureresPats by Health Insights)
  96. adddrgorders.dll (CDOrders by Health Insights)
  97. medsec.dll (MedSec by Health Insights)
  98. vac_setup.dll (Vac_Setup by Health Insights)
  99. nconsorder.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [New Consumable Order] by Health Insights)
  100. transfereorders.ocx (TransfereOrders by Health Insights)
  101. radorders.dll (OrderedSp by Health Insights)
  102. consignconsorder.ocx (HIS - MedicaPlus [Consumable Orders] by Health Insights)
  103. odorders.dll (ADOrders by Health Insights)
  104. vacationsetting.dll (vacationsetting by Health Insights)
  105. ebooking.dll (EBooking by Health Insights)
  106. pdisorder.dll (PDisOrder by Health Insights)
  107. wtransaction.dll (WTransaction by Health Insights)
  108. rschedsetup.dll (RSchedSetup by Health Insights)
  109. docschedule.dll (DocSchedule by Health Insights)
  110. cbilling.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Billing Calculation] by Health Insights)
  111. mreccomp.dll (MedRecord by Health Insights)
  112. radtrack.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Radiology Tracking] by Health Insights)
  113. admincomp.dll (OhmisSetup by Health Insights)
  114. blood.dll (Blood by Health Insights)
  115. owaitinglist.dll (OWaitingList by Health Insights)
  116. inqdispat.dll (InqDisPat by Health Insights)
  117. wlist.dll (WList by Health Insights)
  118. webmangedbase.dll (MangeDb by Health Insights)
  119. billdisplay.dll (BillDisplay by Health Insights)
  120. nmmenu.dll (MMenu by Health Insights)
  121. hl7client.dll (HL7Client by Health Insights)
  122. dbobjects.dll (DBObjects by Health Insights)
  123. webbookingutil.dll (bookingutil by health insights)
  124. checkdiagnosis.dll (CheckDiagnosis by Health Insights)
  125. new_purchasing_multiunit.dll (New_Purch_multi by Health Insights)
  126. patlocation.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Patient Location] by Health Insights)
  127. patbarcode.dll (PatBarCode by Health Insights)
  128. opatreminder.dll (projvisit by Health Insights)
  129. pharmacy.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Pharmacy] by Health Insights)
  130. hkeeping.dll (hkeeping by Health Insights)
  131. promotion.dll (Promotion by Health Insights)
  132. cschedualing.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Multi Clinic Scheduling] by Health Insights)
  133. store_balanc.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Store Balance] by Health Insights)
  134. supp_invoice.dll (Supp_Invoice by Health Insights)
  135. dispens_req.dll (Dispens_Req by Health Insights)
  136. addinvorders.dll (ADDINVOrders by Health Insights)
  137. charttracking.dll (ChartTracking by Health Insights)
  138. hresouce.dll (HResouce by Health Insights)
  139. calcmultipackage.dll (CalcMultiPackage by Health Insights)
  140. oregs.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Outpatient Booking] by Health Insights)
  141. nursenote.ocx (NurseNote by Health Insights)
  142. viewclinicschedule.dll (Clininc by Health Insights)
  143. bookingutil.dll (bookingutil by health insights)
  144. prefcard.dll (PrefCard by Health Insights)
  145. srules.dll (SRules by Health Insights)
  146. pfunctions_eng.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Patient Functions Engine] by Health Insights)
  147. coreobjs.dll (COREObjs by Health Insights)
  148. bed_board.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [OutPatient Monitoring] by Health Insights)
  149. assignments.dll (Assignments by Health Insights)
  150. donarcom.dll (DonarCom by Health Insights)
  151. smsgatewayinterface.dll (SMSGatewayInterface by Health Insights)
  152. csummery.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Patient Discharge Summary] by Health Insights)
  153. nconsorderocx.ocx (HIS - MedicaPlus [Consumable Orders] by Health Insights)
  154. billing.dll (accprj by Health Insights)
  155. patstatus.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Patient Status] by Health Insights)
  156. new_purchasing.dll (Purchasing by Health Insights)
  157. hkorders.dll (hkorders by Health Insights)
  158. noptregs.dll (NOPTRegs by Health Insights)
  159. vaccation.dll (Vaccation by Health Insights)
  160. cvcom.dll (CVCom by Health Insights)
  161. patproblemlist.dll (PATProblemList by Health Insights)
  162. deviceaccess.dll (deviceaccess by Health Insights)
  163. invsearch.dll (InvSearch by Health Insights)
  164. patienthistory.dll (PatientHistory by Health Insights)
  165. minsurance.dll (MInsurance by Health Insights)
  166. consultationsocx.ocx (ConsultationOCX by Health Insights)
  167. convrtftotext.dll (ConvRtfToText by Health Insights)
  168. inpatdoc.dll (Inpatdoc by Health Insights)
  169. patmerg.dll (PATMerg by Health Insights)
  170. payroll.dll (Payroll by Health Insights)
  171. printlables.dll (Tag by Health Insights)
  172. orders.dll (HIS - MedicaPlus [Inpatient Order Entry] by Health Insights)
  173. payconfirm.dll (PayConfirm by Health Insights)
  174. nutritionsetup.dll (NutritionSetup by Health Insights)
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